Sekiou Anwar

Nom et prénoms :

Sekiou Anwar

Adresse éléctronique:

Grade :

Maître assistant "B"

Fonction :


Nom et prénoms :Sekiou Anwar
Profile de l'enseignant:As an assistant professor of management at Ibn Khaldoun University of Tiaret (IKUT), I teach and research topics related to business administration, enterprise economy, and institutional management. I also provide facilitating programs for entrepreneurs and innovative students at the Student Center i2E of University of Tlemcen, where I guide them to ideate and finalize their projects. With a PhD in Business Administration and Corporate Governance from Abou Bekr Belkaid University of Tlemcen, I specialize in family firms and small business governance. I have published two papers in Finance and Business Economics Review, one of which highlighted the limitations of traditional tools of scientific research, and the other examined the reality of social and environmental responsibility in SMEs. I am also a business consultant and a motivational speaker, delivering organizational management and human resources management programs for the public sector. I am fluent in Tamazight, Arabic, English, and French, and I have multiple certifications in leadership development, English proficiency, and speaking skills.
CV mis à jour le :2023-10-10 à : 14:30:37

Titre de la publicationJournal/RevueDate de parutionLien de téléchargement
1Break the cycle of low productivity through investment in research ''Productive University''International Journal in Management & Social Science2016-01-03Télécharger une copie
2Adoption of social & environmental responsibility to achieve sustainable development of Algerian SMEsFinance and Business Economies Review2019-03-31Télécharger une copie
3Entrepreneurship in Algeria and The approach of diversify The Reality Of InvestmentFinance and Business Economics Review Special number2019-12-19Télécharger une copie
4Entrepreneurship in Algeria & The Approach of Diversify, Local Investment Background (2002-2015)Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi2020-12-31Télécharger une copie
5The Reality of Family Businesses, the nature of Ownership & Challenges of Good ManagementEconomic and Management Research Journal2020-12-31Télécharger une copie
6E-postal services adoption factors-e case study of BaridimobManagement & Economics Research Journal2023-06-11Télécharger une copie

Intitulé de la matièreAnnéecours en ligne
1Responsabilité sociale des entreprises2022/2023
2Évaluation financière des projets 2023/2023
3Anglais pour management2023/2024
4Gestion de la créativité et de l\'innovation2023/2024

Disponible au sein de la faculté le:


de:13:00:00 à:16:00:00


de:08:00:00 à:16:00:00


de:08:00:00 à:11:00:00


Université Ibn-Khaldoun
BP P 78 zaâroura 14000, Tiaret, Algérie.

Contacts .
Phone: +213(0)46 20 88 49


Ministére Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique(MESRS)

Centre de recherche sur l'information scientifique et technique(CERIST) 


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